Questions for College Coaches

 The back view of a female coach with a shirt that reads "COACH" on it.


  • How would the time demands of being on the team impact my academics?
  • What does a typical day or week look like when the sport is in season?
  • What does typical team travel look like (e.g., duration of trip, missed class time)?
  • What accommodations are made on campus before an away contest /trip?
  • What are the team's policies on missed practices and what is the institution's policy on missed classes?
  • Does being on the team impact pursuing any specific majors?

  • How do student-athletes pursue interests outside athletics (e.g., internships, externships, study-abroad experiences, community service, etc.)?
  • If I wanted to, would I have time to practice and compete in a second sport?
  • What are the additional requirements or expectations of being on the team that I may not be aware of (e.g., team fundraisers, community service, alumni relations, etc.)?
  • What resources are available to help with my time management?
  • What resources are available to help me succeed academically?


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