
The word "Freshman" in think letters with glasses on the upper right hand side. Freshman has a line under it.

Cartoon image of a brain with glasses and big eyes to symbolize thinking.Things to Think About

  • What are my talents and strengths?
  • Am I taking courses that lead to my post high school plans?
  • In which courses am I particularly strong?
  • In what areas do I need to build more skills?


A pencil in front of a scroll writing "Things to Do". Things to Do
  • Become familiar with graduation requirements
  • Develop a Stafford High School personal file, highlighting academic, extra curricular and community involvement /awards
  • Develop a relationship with your counselor and teachers
  • Increase and strengthen self advocacy
  • Maintain strong academic performance and maintain excellent attendance record
  • Keep a record of all grades including tests, homework, papers, etc. in all classes
  • Seek assistance or support when needed from teachers and counselor
  • Talk with teachers, parents, and counselor about sophomore course selections (late January)
  • Become involved in an extracurricular activity, sports, clubs, music, volunteer work, etc.
  • Review finalized 10th grade schedule with counselor in April
"Freshman Survival Kit" in large letters, with the medical plus symbols in each of the four corners. 

NCAA logo. NCAA Eligibility Process
  • Check with school counselor regarding course selections and NCAA core requirements.
  • Start high school with strong academics  - Grades will matter!
  • Have conversations with your coaches, both high school and club or AAU (Amateur Athletic Union).
  • Start participating in camps, clinics, exposure tournaments, and college showcases.
  • Check out different college campuses with any travel during the year.

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