- Update my personal file.
- Keep a record of all grades including tests, homework, papers, etc. in all classes.
- Take the PSAT /NMSQT test in October.
- Continue extra-curricular activities.
- Maintain strong academic performance and an excellent attendance record.
- Check your graduation requirements.
- Talk with teachers, parents, and counselor about senior year course selections.
- Talk with parents about college needs, interests, etc.
- Take SAT School Day.
- Register for SAT (May or June administration).
- Attend post high school panning sessions for juniors.
- Meet with parents and school counselor to discuss post high school plans.
- List college choices with counselor.
- If taking an AP course, register for AP Exams.
- Schedule interviews and college visits for spring, summer and /or fall.
- Review senior schedule with counselor in April.
- Continue to explore career options.