Core Values

The below Core Values, Beliefs, and Learning Expectations, as well as our academic, civic, and social expectations, are our guiding principles in the development of Stafford High School's policies and procedures. In addition, they serve as a measurement of the success of our programs.
Stafford High School, in partnership with students, families and the community, strives to nurture learners that are Productive, Responsible, Independent, and Dedicated to Excellence or "PRIDE". We will develop informed members of a 21st Century global society and expect the highest character, integrity, respect cultural understanding, and ethical behavior. We will provide a safe, supportive, and challenging learning environment in which students have the opportunity to learn in ways that best meet their needs, and can work collaboratively to solve problems and accomplish goals.

Key words from the Stafford High School Core Values are entered to give a visual of what is important within the values.


        A1: Use a variety of research tools to access, evaluate, and apply information appropriate for authentic tasks.
        A2: Effectively apply analysis, synthesis, and evaluative processes that enable productive problem solving.
        A3: Communicate information clearly and effectively, using a variety of tools for a multiplicity of purposes. 
        A4: Demonstrate innovation, flexibility, and adaptability in thinking patterns and work habits. 
        C1: Value and demonstrate an understanding of global citizenship. 
        C2: Demonstrate cultural understanding and respect for diversity. 
        S1:  Value and exhibit personal responsibility and ethical behavior. 
        S2: Work both independently and collaboratively to solve problems and accomplish goals. 

  • The Stafford High School Core Values, Beliefs, and Learning Expectations were developed over a significant period of time with input from the student body, the faculty and administration, members of the Stafford community, and the Stafford Board of Education.
  • Parents, students, teachers, and the community share responsibility for the educational process and serve as integral partners in striving toward Stafford High School's Core Values. Parents, actively involved through parent support groups and various communities, are expected to encourage students in their quest for excellence.
  • Students are expected to set high personal goals and work towards the attainment of the academic, civic, and social expectations as they develop individual talents and abilities. Teachers are expected to recognize the individuality of students and guide them toward success. The Stafford community provides financial, moral, and civic support to the high school and its student body, while serving as a vital and active partner in the support of education.
  • Student attainment of PRIDE is an on-going process at Stafford High School.
The Review Process for Core Values, Beliefs, and Learning Expectations:
A committee comprised of faculty members, administrators, parents, and students facilitate
Fancy lettering that reads "The Review Process...".
1. Periodic reviews that will be conducted by the high school staff, students, parent representatives, and the Stafford Board of Education.
2. Suggested additions and modifications that will be reviewed by all constituency groups (students, parents, administrators, teachers, community, and Board of Education members).
3. Consensus generated around these additions and modifications and their adoption. 

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