Safe School Climate

Pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes and adopted Board of Education Policy, Stafford High School has constructed a Safe School Climate Plan. This plan was constructed under the fundamental philosophy that every member of our school community should be treated with respect and dignity. The school community is committed to creating an environment where all members feel physically, emotionally, and academically safe free from bullying, harassment, teen dating violence, and discrimination. Aligning with our PRIDE statement, we, at Stafford High School, believe that it is our responsibility to provide conditions and forge relationships that are conducive towards a learning environment that champions equity, respect, and safety.
  Quote contained within 2 squares by Maria Montessori that reads "We serve the future by protecting the present."
Student with Officer Middleton, Principal Pelliccia and Assistant Principal Kinel.
  The plan represents a comprehensive approach towards identifying, defining, and addressing behaviors within the school building that may violate our commitment to the overall safety and positive climate of Stafford High School. The plan focuses on the multi-faceted approach in dealing with the behaviors of the members of the school committee that may be deemed unsafe, harassing, or not aligned with the philosophical objectives of our school building. Any behaviors identified as bullying, harassment, discrimination, or teen dating violence are strictly prohibited and will not be tolerate by the students, faculty, staff, or administration of this school community.

Officer Middleton's car parked in front of Stafford High School.

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